13 Aug 2010
We had an excellent morning with Sensei Bruce and Sensei Sterling, who immediately recognised the needs of our students and adapted their coaching so that both high grades (3rd Kyu – 3rd Dan) and lower grades (novice – 4th Kyu) were provided with a very informative and inspiring training session. The course covered both kata and kumite, both instructors took each grade group for 90 minutes of training. During the kata session they linked a series of basic combinations together to help us develop timing, hip work and mental focus, this enabled the group to perform with a much greater level of competency in the following study of kata. The kumite training was challenging, but fun and drawing on their competitive successes and experience both Sensei gave us valuable insight as to how as a group we could raise the level of our game, offering us a range of new and exciting drills to take away and develop ourselves with. All in all the whole group thoroughly enjoyed our second training seminar with Sensei Bruce & Sensei Sterling, their ability to draw on their competitive experiences and apply it in their coaching sessions, is in my opinion invaluable and only adds to the high quality of tuition they provide. I would heartily recommend both Sensei to any club or organisation wishing to raise the level of their karate.
Ben Richardson 3rd Dan
CanDo Martial Arts
Abingdon, Oxfordshire